His Duchess for a Day Read online

Page 16

  Elizabeth opened her mouth. But no words came out. And then…

  “Is that what you believe?” She raised a tremulous palm to his cheek. “That I’m leaving?”

  He blinked slowly. “Generally, that is what packing suggests,” he said dumbly, glancing pointedly at her trunk.

  Her lips turned up in a watery smile. “Oh, Crispin. Yes, that is precisely what it means. I am packing. But I did not intend to go alone.”

  His mind stalled. “I don’t understand.”

  “I trusted that… given the state we find our marriage, an elopement was in order.”

  “An elopement.” She hadn’t been leaving. Or rather, she had been… but she’d intended to go, this time, with him.

  “That is, I assumed you would wish to accompany me to Gretna Green.” Her smile fell. “Unless you’d rather not…”

  She still did not know. It was surely a mark of his own failing that she did not know, all these years later, just how much she meant to him. That his life was fuller for her in it. And empty with her gone.

  “I lied to you.” At that quiet confession, Elizabeth stiffened. “The day I found you at Mrs. Belden’s, I was angry. I’d been angry for so long.” Anger had been safer than the agony that had come with her abandonment. “I asked you for a day.” He chuckled. “But a day was never going to be enough. I knew that the moment I set foot inside that harpy’s school and saw you scrambling about for your spectacles.”

  Elizabeth pressed her fingertips to her lips.

  Crispin dropped to a knee. “Marry me,” he whispered. “Again. Marry me, this time, forever.”

  Elizabeth’s body remained stock-still, and then with a half laugh, half sob, she launched herself into his arms, toppling him backward. “Forever,” she promised.

  And with their laughter melding as one, Crispin wrapped her in his arms and claimed her mouth in a kiss that promised just that—forever.


  “You are magnificent and strong. And you have completely and utterly fascinated me.”

  Those softly spoken words came like an echo from another time. A moment that was long, long ago and yet, it remained so very clear and fresh and real in Elizabeth’s mind.

  A soft summer breeze rolled across the Oxfordshire hills; it stirred the branches of the downy birches; setting the leaves to dancing overhead.

  “I have never seeen anyone work as hard as you do.”

  Elizabeth lightly pinched her husband’s arm. “Crispin Ferguson, have you gone and stolen my words.”

  “She is magnificent,” Crispin insisted, his adoring gaze still trained forward. He shifted his focus briefly away from the subject that now commanded his and Elizabeth’s attention; and over to Elizabeth who lay on the grass beside him. “I would however, add clever. Isn’t that right,” he cooed.

  As if in answer, Aris, Elizabeth and Crispin’s eight-month-old babe, pushed herself up onto all fours.

  Crispin scrambled into a matching position, with Elizabeth quickly following suit. “There you are, love,” he whispered. “You’ve done it!”

  Giggling, Aris rocked back and forth on her hands and knees. Then, their precious babe propelled herself forward. She made it several inches, before she wavered.

  “You have it, love,” Elizabeth encouraged in soft tones that seemed to steady their beautifully plump babe with so many black curls.

  Aris plopped on her stomach once more, and blowing bubbles with her mouth, their babe flailed her arms and feet happily about.

  A contented sigh spilled past Elizabeth’s lips; that exhalation ended on a little laugh as Crispin caught Elizabeth and pulled her against his side. Their bodies curved into one another’s, as if they were one. As if they’d been specially created for one another.

  And…they had.

  There’d always been a symphonic synchronization to their thoughts and their passions and their every movement.

  “Look at her.” His awe-struck voice stirred the sensitive shell of her ear.

  Elizabeth arched her neck reflexively. “She really is magnificent,” she said softly, resting her arms over the one that gently cradled her.

  Aris babbled. “Mama-Mama—Ya-Ya.”

  “Do you hear that?” Crispin asked. “She’s telling her Mama, yes. Our girl is also wonderfully confident.”

  At the smile in her husband’s voice, Elizabeth looked up, and her heart caught. He stared on at their daughter with such wonder and pride that Elizabeth’s heart quickened and she fell in love with Crispin all over again.

  As if he felt her gaze upon him, Crispin looked down. The burning warmth and love in his eyes brushed over her like a physical caress.

  Crispin’s throat moved spasmodically. “I love you madly and deeply, Elizabeth Ferguson.”

  “And I love you, dear husband,” she murmured, lifting her mouth to meet his kiss.

  Crispin brushed his lips over hers in a tender meeting.

  Aris’s loud squeal interrupted that moment.

  Elizabeth moved out from her husband’s gentle hold. “You can do it, love,” she encouraged, in the high singsong voice her daughter so loved.

  And Aris pushed herself onto chubby elbows and knees once again.

  “There she goes,” Crispin whispered in wonderment, rushing to join Elizabeth. “She wants to come to her Mama and Papa.”

  “Buba-Buba-Buba,” Aris repeated over and over.

  And then she began to move.

  Jumping up, Elizabeth and Crispin stretched their arms out and excitedly cheered her on. “Come along, sweet.”

  “You have it!” Crispin called, waving for their precious girl.

  Laughing and red-faced, Aris moved with increasingly quick and steady movements. As if she feared she’d lose momentum. As if she desperately wished to be with her mother and father.

  And then she was there…

  Or she had been.

  Puzzling her brow, Elizabeth turned her head, as Aris continued past, completely bypassing her and Crispin. “What in the world…?” And then Elizabeth burst out laughing.

  Crispin’s low, husky mirth joined with hers; melding their happiness as one sound. “Is it wrong I’m not insulted and only feel pride?”

  Grinning widely, Elizabeth pushed her spectacles into place and watched on as their curious daughter stretched a precarious hand out toward a yellow and black butterfly. The insect fluttered so close, Aris’ fingers managed to brush it as it danced in the air. A moment later the glorious creature flitted and fluttered out of reach.

  Aris’ tumbled onto her stomach, and fell with her face in the grass.

  The babe’s loud wail erupted, filling the countryside.

  “I have it!” Crispin was already on his feet, hurrying over to the weeping babe. He swept her up and twirled in a circle, with Aris held high over his head.

  All the little girl’s tears instantly gave way to joyous giggles.

  Warmth cascaded over her, and Elizabeth hugged her arms close and watched father and daughter.

  “There will be others, dear heart,” Crispin promised, as he brought Aris to eye-level. “There will be butterflies and ants and bees…and other insects your mother and I only dreamed of finding.”


  “Yes, indeed,” Crispin cooed, and hugged their daughter close.

  Over the top of Aris’ wildly curly black hair, Elizabeth and Crispin’s eyes met.

  “I love you,” he said softly.

  Her heart leapt as it always did when he was near. As it always had. “I love you, too,” she mouthed, touching a hand to her chest.

  “I’ve been searching for you three.”

  At that slightly distant, out of breath voice, Elizabeth and Crispin turned.

  The dowager duchess, her face flushed red, and perspiration gleaming in the summer sun, marched determinedly up the sloped hill. Her skirts hiked high, puffing for breath as she made the trek to them, Crispin’s mother bore no hint of the always proper, staid lady of Elizabe
th’s early—and once only—remembrances.

  “My mother,” he said, needlessly.

  “Yes.” Of course it was no longer uncommon for the older dowager to visit.

  “I didn’t expect she’d arrive for several weeks now.” Her husband glanced over. “Do you mind?”

  “No,” Elizabeth said automatically, an assurance that came from a place of truth. At one time the dowager being anywhere near Elizabeth would have filled her with anger, and at the very least, annoyance.

  Of all that had changed these past years, the most unexpected, and wonderfully welcome one had been the thawing of Crispin’s mother. Shocking, given the fact there’d been a time Elizabeth would have wagered the land they loved exploring, that the older woman could never change…or be changed. Alas, Crispin’s mother had proved her love of her son and his happiness was greater than even propriety and rank. She’d offered apologies to Crispin…and Elizabeth—apologies that had proven sincere. And in the name of beginning again, they’d found peace as a family.

  At last, the dowager duchess reached them. Putting her hands upon her hips, she did a sweep of the countryside below, and smiled. “I made it,” she panted, sounding entirely pleased with herself.

  “Hello, Mother,” Elizabeth said when the older woman had finally caught her breath. “And I promise, it becomes easier the more one does it.”

  “Well, on that score,” Crispin’s mother lifted a gloved fingertip. “you both have some practice on me. But I’m improving. Aren’t I?” she asked in a sing-song voice as she reached for Aris. “Your Grandmere is getting faster and stronger and funner.”

  “Funner?” Crispin mouthed over the top of his mother’s head.

  “Behave,” Elizabeth returned silently.

  The little girl clapped excitedly and stretched her little arms out for her grandmother.

  The dowager duchess beamed. “Ah, see that? She agrees. What a clever, clever little girl. Aren’t you?”

  “Ya-Ya-Ya,” Aris babbled.

  “Sweet babe,” Crispin’s mother praised with an affection Elizabeth had never seen the woman show even her own son growing up. “Who is excited to see me?” Crispin’s mother said in the affectionate, high-pitched tones she reserved for the small girl. The dowager duchess gathered Aris close and rocked her in her arms. “Shall we leave your Mama and Papa for a bit and go exploring?”

  Aris planted a sloppy kiss upon the older woman’s cheek.

  The older woman’s features softened all the more. “I shall take that as a ‘yes’.”

  The sound of the pair’s chattering and laughter faded as they continued on.

  “She’s changed,” Crispin noted.

  “Time changes us all.” Sometimes for the worse. Sometimes for the better.

  Crispin caught Elizabeth around the middle and Elizabeth let out a breathless laugh at the unexpectedness of that movement. She curved her body into his. “Are you happy, love?” he whispered, kissing the lobe of her ear.

  Elizabeth leaned back into him. “Always with you, Crispin. Always with you.”

  At her loneliest and darkest days at Mrs. Belden’s, Elizabeth had imagined only a solitary world for herself. In it, she’d seen herself old and alone, working in a role that hadn’t brought her joy. So many times, she’d stare out the window and dreamed of more…

  An errant wind caught the distant echo of Aris’ laughter, and Elizabeth closed her eyes.

  And now, she had more than she’d ever dreamed: a precocious, inquisitive child…and the love of her husband.


  The End

  Coming Soon by Christi Caldwell

  The Spitfire

  Her dream is to open a music hall. Only one thing stands in her way—the man she loves. The final Wicked Wallflowers novel from USA Today bestselling author Christi Caldwell.

  Leaving behind her life as a courtesan and madam, Clara Winters is moving far from the sinful life to which she was accustomed in the gaming hell the Devil’s Den. Her more reputable and fulfilling endeavor is a music hall for the masses. One night, when she sees a man injured on the streets of East London, she rushes to his aid and brings him home. It’s then that she discovers he’s Henry March, Earl of Waterson, and a member of Parliament. No good can come from playing nursemaid to a nobleman.

  When Henry rouses to meet his savior in blonde curls, he is dazzled. This smart and loving spitfire challenges his every notion of the lower classes—and every moment together is a thrill. But after Henry returns to his well-ordered existence, he strikes a political compromise that has unintended consequences. Will his vision for London mean dashing the dreams of his lovely guardian angel?

  Out September 17th! Order Today

  Did you enjoy this installment of the Heart of a Scandal Series? If so, be sure and check out the following titles which are part of the series!

  “A Matchmaker for a Marquess”

  Book 3 in the “Heart of a Scandal” Series by Christi Caldwell

  She lived by a strict set of rules…

  Meredith Durant believes those who won’t marry, matchmaker, and she’s made a notable career for herself helping young women find the perfect mate. Having suffered a broken heart years before, she’s quite content in her work and determined to never fall prey to love again. Her most recent job finds her working for the unlikeliest of households, never expecting her assignment would be her best friend’s younger brother, Barry—who’s not so little anymore. He’s a grown man who leaves her breathless and wishing just maybe this time she could have a happy ending. But how can that happen when, once her job is done, she must watch him wed another?

  He’s decided to break her rules:

  Barry Aberdeen, the future Duke of Gayle, knew his days of freedom were numbered. With his sister recently married, his mother turned her marital aspirations to him. She’s even gone as far as to hire a matchmaker. Worse, the matchmaker is a childhood friend—Meredith Durant. Only the rigid, serious creature is not the carefree girl he remembered. If he’s going to be saddled with a matchmaker, he’s going to have fun loosening Meredith’s too-tight chignon. What he doesn’t expect is how entranced he’ll be when those strands come falling down around her shoulders.

  “A Lady’s Guide to a Gentleman’s Heart”

  Book 2 in the “Heart of a Scandal” Series by Christi Caldwell

  Honor demands he give her up—

  Heath Whitworth, Marquess of Mulgrave and heir to a dukedom, is honorable to his handsome bones. When his mother insists he spend the holidays dancing attendance on Lady Emilia Aberdeen, he has no choice but to do the gentlemanly thing. For years, Heath has harbored feelings for the lady, but he knows exactly why his best friend jilted Emilia years ago, and that secret makes a happily ever after for Heath and Emilia an impossibility.

  Love demands she follow her heart—

  Heartbroken after the man she loved ended their betrothal, Lady Emilia Aberdeen, is quite content to live a spinster’s life penning an anonymous column that offers guidance to young ladies. Except, the more she is thrown into Lord Mulgrave’s company, the more she sees that the proper, always-aloof gentleman is also charming, clever, and inconveniently attractive. Emilia discovers maybe it is possible to love again but with secrets between them, Heath will face his greatest challenge yet: loving Emilia Aberdeen or letting her go.

  “Schooling the Duke”

  Book 1 in the “Heart of a Scandal” Series by Christi Caldwell

  A lady betrayed:

  Finishing school instructor, Mrs. Rowena Bryant is hated by her students, revered by the headmistress, and absolutely determined to maintain her financial security. Deceived years ago by the only man she’d ever given her heart to, Rowena relies on no one but herself—that is the best way to keep her most scandalous secret.

  A soldier turned duke:

  When Graham Linford returned from war on the cusp of death, he discovered he’d been betrayed by the woman he loved. From that moment, Graham shaped himself
into an unfeeling nobleman, refusing to ever suffer the agony of betrayal again. Now a duke, Graham is determined no one will ever discover the touch of madness that has haunted him since battle.

  Lovers reunited:

  When Graham finds himself named guardian to a young lady, the woman sent as a companion to his ward is none other than Rowena Bryant. With every moment spent together, their passion reignites, and the walls they’ve built to keep one another out begin to crumble. But when their dark past tests them again will true love be enough to repair their damaged hearts?

  “In Need of a Knight”

  Prequel Novella in the “Heart of a Scandal” Series by Christi Caldwell

  Years earlier, a gypsy woman passed to Lady Aldora Adamson and her friends a heart pendant that promised them each the heart of a duke.

  Now, a young lady, with her family facing ruin and scandal, Lady Aldora doesn’t have time for mythical stories about cheap baubles. She needs to save her younger siblings and has resigned herself to marrying a titled gentleman with wealth, power, and a respectable name. She sets her bespectacled sights upon the Marquess of St. James. Until…

  An Unexpected Meeting

  Turned out by his father after a tragic scandal, Lord Michael Knightly has grown into a powerful, but self-made man. With the whispers and stares that still follow him, he’s been shut out of respectable society. He would rather be anywhere but London…

  Then he meets Lady Aldora, a young woman who mistakes him for his brother, the Marquess of St. James. The connection between Aldora and Michael is immediate and as they come to know one another, Aldora’s feelings for Michael grow.

  Now, Aldora is left to choose between her responsibilities as a sister and her love for Michael.


  Christi Caldwell is the bestselling author of historical romance novels set in the Regency era. Christi blames Judith McNaught’s “Whitney, My Love,” for luring her into the world of historical romance. While sitting in her graduate school apartment at the University of Connecticut, Christi decided to set aside her notes and try her hand at writing romance. She believes the most perfect heroes and heroines have imperfections and rather enjoys tormenting them before crafting a well-deserved happily ever after!


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